tibees logarithms

Logarithms explained Bob Ross style

The first integral sign


A logistical difficulty

Righting my wrongs

Isn’t the 4th dimension time?

Long neck

Parabolas explained Bob Ross style


How scientists hunt for the 4th dimension

Drawing a hypercube Bob Ross style

Tram ticket to the past

The Great Rotation

The Hierarchy problem

Equation of a Hypersphere

Why greatest Mathematicians are not trying to prove Riemann Hypothesis? || #short #terencetao #maths

This is what a math exam looks like from 1866

Do we see in 2D?

Square roots explained Bob Ross style

Imaginary Numbers Explained Bob Ross Style

8 science theses that shook the world

Finding X: A Mathematical Short Film

A shocking story that shows how closed-minded people can be

Calculus explained through a story